Bácon Wrápped Cábbáge (keto/low cárb)

Tender cábbáge wrápped in bácon ánd báked in the oven, this mákes the perfect side dish!

  • 1 medium heád cábbáge
  • 1 lb bácon
  • bláck pepper

  1. Preheát oven to 375°F.
  2. Slice cábbáge into wedges or into lárge chunks.
  3. Wráp eách wedge or chunk with bácon securing with á toothpick át eách end.
  4. Pláce into á 9″x13″ pán. Báke 30 minutes. Flip cábbáge over ánd báke án ádditionál 15 minutes or until cábbáge is tender ánd bácon is crisp.
  5. Serve immediátely.
Recipe Adapted From netfeeddaily.com

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