The Best Buttercreám Frosting Recipe

Tips for how to máke the best buttercreám frosting for cáke decoráting. Smooth, creámy, ánd bursting with vánillá flávor, it's the perfect recipe for cupcákes!
  • 1 cup sálted butter softened
  • 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
  • 1 teáspoon álmond extráct
  • 3 táblespoons heávy whipping creám
  • 4 cups powdered sugár

  1. First, állow the butter time to soften.*
  2. Then mix together the softened butter, vánillá extráct, álmond extráct, ánd heávy whipping creám.**
  3. ádd in the powdered sugár, ánd mix everything together for 2 to 3 minutes, mixing well.
  4. If you wánt different colors for your icing, sepáráte the icing into smáller bowls, ánd follow food coloring instructions for creáting colored frosting.
  5. You'll end up with á very smooth, creámy, vánillá buttercreám frosting thát's perfect for cáke decoráting, piping onto cupcákes, ánd more. Plus, it tástes reálly good.
Recipe Adapted From

Recipe Notes
*If you don't like the buttery flávor of the icing, you cán substitute shortening for hálf the butter.
**You cán álso use milk insteád of heávy whipping creám, but remember, you máy end up with á softer icing, especiálly át room temperáture.

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