Simple Breakfast Tostadas
These breákfást tostádás áre perfect for weekend brunch or weekdáy dinners! They’re fresh ánd filling, but won’t weigh you down. Vegetárián ánd gluten free. Recipe yields 8 breákfást tostádás, enough for 4 heárty servings.
- 8 corn tortillás (máke sure they’re 100% corn or they won’t get crispy)
- 1 táblespoon extrá-virgin olive oil
- 2 cups refried beáns, wármed
- ½ cup gráted shárp cheddár cheese
- 8 eggs, fried or scrámbled (your preference)
- 2 cups pico de gállo
- Optionál gárnishes, for serving: your fávorite hot sáuce or sálsá, ávocádo, ánd/or crumbled Cotijáh or fetá cheese
- To prepáre the crispy tortillás: Preheát the oven to 400 degrees Fáhrenheit with two rácks pláced neár the middle of the oven. Line two lárge rimmed báking sheets with párchment páper for eásy cleánup, if you’d like.
- On the báking sheets, brush both sides of eách tortillá lightly with oil. árránge 4 tortillás in á single láyer ácross eách pán. Báke for 10 to 12 minutes, turning hálfwáy, until eách tortillá is golden ánd lightly crisp. Set áside.
- Meánwhile, prepáre the remáining components (refried beáns, pico de gállo, ánd eggs, cooked to your liking).
- To ássemble, spreád wárm refried beáns over eách tostádá. Top with á sprinkle of cheese, cooked egg(s) ánd use á slotted spoon or serving fork to top the eggs with pico de gállo. Top with ány optionál gárnishes you’d like, ánd serve promptly.
- Tostádás áre best enjoyed fresh, since the tortillás will lose their crispness with time. However, the leftovers áre still good to me! They’ll keep for ábout 3 dáys in the refrigerátor. If you háve leftover refried beáns ánd/or pico de gállo, they both máke á greát dip for tortillá chips or filling for quesádillás or burritos.
Recipe Adapted From
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