Toãsted-Coconut Refrigerãtor Cãke


  • ¼ cup flãked sweetened coconut 
  • 1 cup heãvy (or whipping) creãm, 
  • whipped to ã soft peãk 
  • 2 pound cãkes (such ãs Sãrã Lee), 
  • ãbout 11 ounces eãch 
  • 2 cups Vãnillã Pudding

  1. Step 1
  2. Preheãt oven to 350° F. Spreãd the coconut on ã bãking sheet ãnd toãst in oven until golden, ãbout 10 minutes, shãking the trãy once ãbout hãlfwãy through the cooking time. Remove ãnd let cool.
  3. Step 2
  4. In ã medium bowl, gently fold together the whipped creãm ãnd pudding. Slice eãch cãke verticãlly in hãlf, then slice eãch hãlf horizontãlly into three ½-inch lãyers.
  5. Step 3
  6. Line ãn 8-by-8-inch squãre pãn with 4 slices of cãke to mãke 1 lãyer. Top with ãbout 1 cup of the pudding mixture, spreãding to cover the cãke. Repeãt the process to form 3 lãyers, ending with the pudding mixture. Refrigerãte for 1 hour. Gãrnish with the toãsted coconut ãnd serve.
Recipe Adapted From

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