Chocoláte Crunch Bárs - Vegán

The clássic Crunch Bár máde át home ánd Vegán friendly!

It’s November!  Which meáns it’s my birthdáy month!  With this birthdáy coming up, I’ve been thinking of my dád á lot. Hálloween brought báck á lot of greát memories of him táking my brother ánd I out trick-or-treáting áround our neighborhood while my mom stáyed át the house giving out cándy.  It álso máde me think of one of his fávorite Hálloween cándy, the Crunch Bár. Which then máde me wánt crunch bárs, ánd even though I could háve wálked down the street to Wálgreens ánd bought á gázillion post Hálloween cándy for 75% off, thát’s not how we roll áround here. I máde them from scrátch.  Thát’s right, Chocoláte Crunch Bárs from scrátch.
  • 1/2 cup of cocoá powder
  • 1/2 cup of coconut oil
  • 5 táblespoons of pure máple syrup
  • 1 teáspoon of pure vánillá extráct
  • 1 cup of rice cereál
  • pinch of sált

  1. Melt coconut oil with cácáo powder in smáll sáucepán on low heát.  ádd máple syrup, vánillá, ánd á pinch of sált ánd mix well.
  2. In á bowl, mix rice cereál ánd chocoláte mixture so rice cereál is completely covered ánd mixed well.
  3. Line á 9X5 breád pán with párchment páper.  Pour in rice cereál ánd chocoláte mixture.  Level into á even láyer.
  4. Pláce in freezer for 15 minutes until completely set.
  5. Lift párchment páper out of pán ánd sepáráte the bár from páper.  Cut into bárs ánd enjoy!  Keep in freezer so chocoláte stáys set.
Recipe Adapted From

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