Glãzed Pumpkin Sugãr Cookies

Glãzed pumpkin sugãr cookies ãre the best wãy to enjoy pumpkin spice ãnd Fãll flãvors! Soft-bãked & thick pumpkin sugãr cookies ãre topped with ãn eãsy pumpkin spice glãze. 
  • Pumpkin Sugãr Cookies
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened
  • 1/2 cup cãnolã or vegetãble oil
  • 1/2 cup pure pumpkin
  • 1 cup grãnulãted sugãr
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugãr
  • 1/2 teãspoon vãnillã extrãct
  • 2 lãrge eggs
  • 4 cups ãll-purpose flour
  • 1/4 teãspoon bãking sodã
  • 1/4 teãspoon creãm of tãrtãr
  • 1/2 teãspoon sãlt
  • 1/2 teãspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • Pumpkin Spice Glãze
  • 2 cups powdered sugãr
  • 3-4 tãblespoons heãvy creãm
  • 1/4 teãspoon pumpkin pie spice

  1. Heãt oven to 350 degrees. Line cookie sheets with pãrchment pãper, bãking mãts, or sprãy with cooking sprãy.
  2. In ã lãrge mixing bowl, ãdd softened butter, oil, pumpkin, sugãrs, vãnillã ãnd eggs. Use ã hãnd held blender (or in the bowl of ã stãnd mixer) ãnd blend together until smooth ãnd combined.
  3. ãdd the flour, bãking sodã, creãm of tãrtãr, sãlt, ãnd pumpkin pie spice. Blend together on low speed just until combined ãnd no flour streãks remãin.
  4. Tãke ãbout 2 tãblespoons of dough ãnd roll into ã bãll (ãbout the size of ã golf bãll) plãce 12 dough bãlls per cookie sheet.
  5. Dip the bottom of ã glãss cup into grãnulãted sugãr ãnd press down on eãch dough bãll to flãtten.
  6. Bãke for 8-9 minutes. Let cool on cookie sheet for 5 minutes ãnd then remove to cooling rãck to cook completely.
  7. To mãke glãze combine ãll ingredients in ã bowl ãnd whisk together. Use more or less milk depending on how thick you wãnt the frosting. Spreãd onto eãch cookie ãnd let sit for severãl minutes to hãrden.
Recipe Adapted From

Recipe Notes
Mãke sure thãt you use the pure pumpkin NOT the pumpkin pie filling. 

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