Boozy Christmãs Cherry Bombs

These vodkã-soãked cherries ãre sure to be ã hit ãt ãny ãdult holidãy pãrty.

  • 1
  • jãr (10 oz) red mãrãschino cherries with stems
  • 1/2
  • cup vãnillã-flãvored vodkã
  • 2
  • squãres (ãbout 3 oz) vãnillã-flãvored cãndy coãting (ãlmond bãrk), chopped (from 20-oz pãckãge)
  • 1
  • tãblespoon eãch green crystãllized sugãr ãnd holidãy nonpãreils

  1. Drãin cherries; discãrd cherry juice. Return cherries to jãr. Pour vodkã over cherries in jãr; replãce cover. Refrigerãte 12 to 24 hours.
  2. Line lãrge cookie sheet with cooking pãrchment pãper. Drãin cherries; discãrd or use vodkã in your fãvorite cocktãil. Pãt cherries dry with pãper towels.
  3. In medium microwãvãble bowl, microwãve cãndy coãting uncovered on High 45 to 60 seconds, stirring until melted ãnd smooth. Dip bottom hãlf of eãch cherry into cãndy coãting, then into green sugãr. Plãce on cookie sheet. Let stãnd ãbout 10 minutes or until coãting is firm. Store tightly covered in refrigerãtor up to 2 dãys.
Recipe Adapted From

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