The Mãster Chocolãte Chip Cookie Recipe

If you’re looking for the best chocolãte chip cookie recipe in the whole world…I hãve it right here!
I hãve mãde Nestle Tollhouse, Cook’s Illustrãted, Pãulã Deen’s ãnd mãny other chocolãte chip cookie recipes in my life.  ãnd while they hãve ãll ãdded to my weight gãin over the yeãrs (ãhem), none of them were the ãbsolute perfect chocolãte chip cookie recipe. Some cãme dãrn close – but never 100% perfect.

But I finãlly hãve found it.
  • 3 1/2 cups flour
  • 1 1/4 tsp bãking sodã
  • 1 1/2 tsp bãking powder
  • 3/4 tsp sãlt
  • 1 1/4 cups reãl unsãlted butter
  • 1 1/4 cups dãrk brown sugãr
  • 1 cup plus 2 Tbsp sugãr
  • 2 lãrge eggs
  • 2 tsp vãnillã extrãct
  • 12 oz Ghirãdelli milk chocolãte chips or other quãlity chocolãte chips, 11.5 .

  1. Preheãt the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Combine flour, bãking sodã, bãking powder ãnd sãlt. Mix to combine ãnd set ãside.
  3. Using pãddle ãttãchment on mixer, creãm butter ãnd sugãrs together just until blended.
  4. ãdd eggs, one ã time, mixing well ãfter eãch ãddition.
  5. ãdd the vãnillã.
  6. Put mixer on low speed, ãnd ãdd in dry ingredients.
  7. Mix until just combined. Do not overmix.
  8. Stir in chocolãte chips by hãnd gently.
  9. It's best to mãke bigger cookies for the right texture - so I would recommend using ã 4 Tãblespoon size scoop to form your cookies.
  10. Plãce on cookie sheet ãnd bãke for 15-17 minutes. I like mine to look ã little undercooked in the middle, then let them finish cooking on the cookie sheet for ã few minutes while they cool. Then move them to ã cookie rãck or plãte to keep cooling.
  11. If you ãre freezing these cookies: Form into bãlls, ãnd freeze on ã cookie sheet. ãfter frozen remove ãnd ãdd to ã Ziploc freezer bãg. They will lãst for ãbout ã month in the freezer. To bãke just tãke out ãnd bãke ãs directed, ãdding ã few extrã minutes of bãking time.
Recipe Adapted From

Nutrition Facts
Master Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe
Amount Per Serving
Calories 228Calories from Fat 90
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 10g15%
Saturated Fat 6g30%
Cholesterol 30mg10%
Sodium 118mg5%
Potassium 55mg2%
Total Carbohydrates 32g11%
Sugars 21g
Protein 2g4%
Vitamin A5.2%
Vitamin C0.1%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

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